Case Studies and Highlights

Hello Habit!

A health app designed to improve routine, mental and physical health during quarantine.

Thomas’ American Bakery

Logo design for a bakery in Helsinki, Finland.

Mushrooms to the Moon

A walkable environment showcasing a fantasy world. The project explores the similarities and differences between traditional and digital, and 2D and 3D digital when working with the same subject.

Virtual Reef System

The Virtual Reef System is a group project that followed the creation of a product related to the Internet of Things. The final design included product pitch mockups as well as a logo.

Haltijan Puutarha

Haltijan Puutarha is a digital 3D environment intended as the home base of a hypothetical video game that teaches Finnish children about their local wildlife. The project involved Unreal, Maya, and Photoshop.

Quick Look